How to Make and Recieve MATC Campus Phone Calls from a Mobile Device or Computer (Jabber)


Installation instructions for Cisco Jabber access to your MATC Office Phone


All MATC phone users (except for Call Center, Help Desk, Voicemail Only) now have the option to use a cell phone or chromebook in place of desk phone.
1. Visit the app store and download the Cisco Jabber App for your device. (one time only)
2. Log into the app using your MATC (Note the AD)

For Windows or Mac Computers (the software must have access to a microphone and speakers or headset/ear buds):

Install the following file on a Windows Computer

Jabber for Windows

Install the following file on a Mac Computer

Jabber for Mac

Log into the app using your MATC (Note the AD)



Article ID: 25
Tue 5/12/20 12:29 PM
Tue 5/12/20 12:34 PM